jueves, 3 de abril de 2008


Ruedas nacionales para Skate
Color crema/blancas/negras. 52mm
$ 80.00

Ruedas Longskate/longboardSector9
Ruedas importadas, marca Sector 9. Aptas para longskates/longboards, skate y freebords
Diámetro de 64mm
$ 210.00

Ruedas Sector 9 - Slide Formula 65mm Sector9
Slide Formula Wheels (65mm/95a): Some like to carve, some like to grind and some like to sliiiiiiiiide. Ok, we've got you covered. Our new "No Flat Spot" Slide Formula are designed to roll fast and break free easily.
$ 220.00

Ruedas Sector 9 - RaceFormula 81mm Sector9
In racing wheels, chemistry isn't just important, it's everything. And you cannot just dump a bunch of compounds into a mold and call it good. You have to do things exactly right so the mixture "goes off" the way it is supposed to. At Sector 9, we have been working with top notch chemists to ensure that our new Race Formula Nineballs have superior rebound and grip. The net results feels like you've got fire under your feet. Available now in 69, 70, 74, 76 and 81mm.
$ 250.00

Ruedas SATORI 72mm - LongskateSATORI
Ruedas importadas para Longskate. Con carozo que refuerza a la rueda para slides. Amarillas.
Diámetro 72mm

Ruedas nacionales para Longskate
Diámetro 64mm (rojas y amarillas)

Ruedas República - SkateREPÚBLICA
Ruedas para skate.
República. 52mm $85

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